Usage example

  1. Add ‘sidebar’ into project INSTALLED_APPS settings:

  2. Add sidebar urls into project urls:

    urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'sidebar/', include('sidebar.urls')),
  3. Synchronize project database:

    $ python syncdb
  4. Create a directory called ‘sidebar_widgets’ inside the project directory

    It is in the same directory as file, and remember to put an in it so python can access its content.:

  5. Add a sidebar settings into ‘’

    This settings value will determine what sidebar location and sidebar widget are available.

    Each sidebar location must have unique ID, this id could be the position of itself on the page.

    And each widget is determined by its filename without the extension.

    # Specify the available sidebar location, example:
    # 'left' and 'right' is the location ID.
        ('left', 'Left Sidebar'),
        ('right', 'Right Sidebar'),
    # Specify the available sidebar widget, example:
    # 'promotional_image' is the ID of the widget, taken from its file name without the file extension.
    # the filename of 'promotional_image' widget is ''
  6. Create the widget

    To create the widget, you must register the widget in the AVAILABLE_SIDEBAR_WIDGETS settings (described in the step #5 above). Example :

    If your sidebar widget named promotional_image, create a file inside the sidebar_widgets directory and name it


    The widget would look like this:

    from sidebar.base import SidebarWidget, sidebar_widget
    from django import forms
    TEMPLATE = """
    <div class="side_block">
    <img src="{{image}}"/>
    class TextForm(forms.Form):
        text = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea)
        image = forms.CharField()
    class PromotionalImage(SidebarWidget):
        admin_form = TextForm
        template_text = TEMPLATE
    # register the Widget
    sidebar_widget = PromotionalImage('Promotional Image','Display a promotional image with text')
  7. Add a place for our sidebar in template

    Open your template file where the sidebar will be rendered, and make a simple call to the sidebar tag:

    <!-- this is your template file. eg. index.html -->
    <div class="sidebar">
    {% load sidebar_tags %}
    {% get_sidebar 'left' %} or {% get_sidebar 'right' %}

Now, start the server, go to Django administration page. On the Sidebars page, open (or create the sidebar if no yet created) the available sidebar and our widget will be available on the widgets list.